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Discover the animals in us: learn how we use animal names to describe people and their actions.

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Part 1 🐤

Read the definitions and example sentences.

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Exercise 1.1 Discuss 🗨️

Fill in the gaps with the phrases above and answer the questions.

  1. Would you try bungee jumping or would you chicken …?
  1. If a friend dared you to eat something really spicy. Would you be a … and refuse, or would you take on the challenge?
  1. Have you ever … out before a job interview because you thought you weren't qualified enough?
to dare - to ask somebody to do something risky
  1. out
  1. chicken
  1. chickened

Exercise 1.2 Watch 📺

Fill in the gaps and watch the clips to learn the answers.

A “They had to have noticed, right?” ”They noticed.” ”Did you … out or something? Paula, what happened?” ”Look, if I were you, I would keep my voice down, okay? Cause you are in a shitload of trouble.”

B “You are all terminated (fired) immediately.” ”If you were a man, I’d knock you out.” ”Oh, really? Well, go ahead! Are you scared? What’s the problem? Is he a …? Are you a …?” ”I’m not a … at all.” ”I’m gonna make that moustache of yours all bloody.”

Part 2 🐷

Read the definitions and example sentences.

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Exercise 2.1 Discuss 🗨️

Fill in the gaps with the phrases above and answer the questions.

  1. Have you ever had a roommate who was such a … that you couldn't stand the mess?
  1. How do you deal with people in social situations who act like …, either by being rude or inconsiderate?
  1. When watching a movie at home, what snacks do you usually pig … on?
  1. pig
  1. pigs
  1. out

Exercise 2.2 Watch 📺

Fill in the gaps and watch the clips to learn the answers.

A “Nice one, Simba” ”Thanks” ”Man, I’m stuffed.” ”Me too, I ate like a …” ”Pumba, you are a pig.”

B “What are you doing down here?” ”I happen to be a school prefect. You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at this time of night. What are your names again?” ”Crabbe, Goyle, where have you two been? (Have you been) … out in the Great Hall all this time?”

Part 3 🐀

Read the definitions and example sentences.

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to rat on somebody = to rat somebody out My sister ratted on me. My sister ratted me out.

Exercise 3.1 Discuss 🗨️

Fill in the gaps with the phrases above and answer the questions.

  1. How would you handle a co-worker who consistently … out others for minor mistakes?
  1. How would you handle a situation where you're falsely accused of being a …?
  1. Do you believe there's ever a valid reason for someone to act like a …, or is betrayal always wrong?
  1. rats
  1. rat
  1. rat

Exercise 3.2 Watch 📺

Fill in the gaps and watch the clips to learn the answers.

A “He snitched. He spilled the beans, didn’t he?” ”Yeah, he told us all about you.” ”And I set up that fight to be top secret. If you … on me, Klinger and Zale are gonna get in trouble too.” ”Why would we … on you? A fight sounds like fun.”

B “I am American.” ”Are you above the law?” ”No. And we fight for what we believe in. And that guy is nothing. He’s a . He’s less than nothing.”


Part 4

Read the definitions and example sentences.

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Exercise 4.1 Discuss 🗨️

Fill in the gaps with the phrases above and answer the questions.

  1. Your teammate agreed to make a presentation for your group, but tries to … a day before due to nervousness. What advice would you give to them?
  1. Have you ever had to work on a group project with some students who you would call … due to their dishonest behaviour, such as lying or cheating? What was the experience like and how did you handle the situation?
  1. Were there any chores in particular that you always wanted to … of when you were younger? Why?

weasel out


weasel out

Exercise 4.2 Watch 📺

Fill in the gaps and watch the clips to learn the answers.

A "I wanna marry you" "Say it again, Frank" "I better go see colonel Blake." "You …!”

B "I understand that you are seeing Kenny Shale. always liked Kenny. Kenny, he's, he's a good guy. He's good people." "You called him a …" "No, I didn't." "Yes, you did three weeks ago." "Oh, yeah, I said . I called him a …, but that you see, that's not a bad thing. I had a weasel. A weasel is a noble animal. All right?”

Part 5 🐀

Read the definitions and example sentences.

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Exercise 5.1 Discuss 🗨️

Fill in the gaps with the phrases above and answer the questions.

  1. Are you a … or do you prefer to be surrounded by people? Why?
  1. Are there certain foods or dishes that you just can't resist and tend to …?
  1. What are some advantages and disadvantages to being a … in the workplace?

lone wolf

wolf down

lone wolf

Exercise 5.2 Watch 📺

Fill in the gaps and watch the clips to learn the answers.

A ""Here you are, dark chocolate" "I thought I wasn't allowed to eat so soon before the operation" "Well, you're not but I am, and after the operation you can … the whole pack it one go.”

B "He's a hard man to warm up to, face it." "Yes. Yes, he is insufferable at times but Ken is also unique in one other respect. He is a … of sorts. Something very rare in Japan."

Exercise 6

Match the sentences with the correct word.

  1. a rat
  1. a pig
  1. a weasel
  1. a pig
  1. a chicken

A. She applied for the job after I told her that I want it.

B. I can't believe she ate the whole cake.

C. She's too scared to apply for her dream job.

D. Her things are all around the flat!

E. She told the teacher that I didn't do my homework.

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1e 2d 3a 4b 5c

Exercise 7

Fill in the gaps with the correct words:

  1. Did you ... on me to mum? She knew I came home at 3 a.m.
  1. Every Friday we order pizzas and ...
  1. Tim prefers working alone on projects; he's a lone … in the office.
  1. Don't be such a ... It's just a spider.
  1. How did you ... out of cooking dinner?
  1. She's a real ... Her bedroom is so messy.
  1. He was so hungry that he … down his meal in minutes.
  1. Don't tell him anything important. He's a ... If you tell him, the boss will know.
  1. As a lone …, she enjoyed her solitude and independence.
  1. Even though we signed a contract, they tried to ... out of paying.
  1. He ... on other thieves to avoid jail.
  1. Do you think that he will ask her out or he will ...?
  1. You ...! You knew I was thinking about buying this house and you bought it for yourself!
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1 rat

2 pig out

3 wolf

4 chicken

5 weasel

6 pig

7 wolfed

8 rat

9 wolf

10 weasel

11 ratted

12 chicken out

13 weasel


Revision - Discuss 🗨️

  1. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt pressured to rat someone out for their actions, even if it meant losing their friendship?
  1. When you pig out, what kind of food do you choose?
  1. Have you ever lived with somebody who's a pig and never cleaned?
  1. If someone dared you to touch a snake or a spider, would you be a chicken and decline?
  1. Do you know somebody who always weasels out of house chores?
  1. Do you think being a "pig" at all-you-can-eat restaurants is bad manners or just part of the experience?
  1. Have you ever had the chance to perform on stage and chickened out at the last minute?
  1. Would you give a second chance to someone who admitted to being a rat in the past but showed genuine remorse?
  1. Have you ever chickened out before an important meeting?
  1. Do you ever weasel out of some projects at work? What kind?
  1. What's the one comfort food you often pig out on when you're feeling down?
  1. Do you think that Snape is a rat or a hero?
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