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In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about dissatisfaction using the structure I wish + Past Simple/Continuous.

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Warm up

  • Do you know this band?
  • Have you heard any other Pink Floyd songs?
  • In the sentence “I wish you were here” what tense is used after “wish”?
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
  • Do you wish your partner/best friend/parent listened to a different kind of music?

Theory part 1

You could answer the last question like this: “Yes, I wish my friend listened to metal too. She doesn’t understand why Black Sabbath is my favourite band”. Let’s break this construction down and learn how to use it 😉

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When should you use Past Simple and when Past Continuous after “wish”? 1. Use Past Simple to talk about a situation you’d like to be different. e.g. I wish I had a car so that I could go on trips at the weekends. 2. Use Past Continuous to talk about an action you’d like to be doing now. e.g. I wish I was/were sitting on the sofa and binge-watching my favourite TV series right now.

Exercise 1

Fill in the gaps.

  • “He’s not your father.” “I … “ (wish/he/be)
  • "I took her over to the lounge to talk and we sat in a corner and I said :I wish … (wish/it/be) easier. “You … (wish/it/be) easier.” she says.She’s correcting my grammar like I’m one of the kids she teaches.“
  • “Rosa is the one wearing pink." "And?" "It's gorgeous. I … pull that off” (wish/I/can)
Check the definition of the phrase ”pull sth off”

to pull sth off - to succeed in doing something/ look good wearing sth e.g. I definitely can’t pull off red hair. I would look funny.

  • "I wish … (I/be/not) so attracted to you. I wish … (we/can) make it all stop." "Any suggestions?”
  • “What's something you ... say to people who don't understand the severity of the reality of school shootings in modern society?” (wish/you/can) Play the video at 26:24.
Check the definition of the word “severity”

severity - seriousness e.g. I was shocked by the severity of his injuries. = I was shocked by how serious his injuries were.

  • "He warned me that something was coming." "Yes, he did. Didn't he? I … what he meant. I've been trying to gather more information.” (wish/I/know)
  • “I … home.” (wish/you/be)

“I’m headed home. I’m headed to my dorm. Not home.”

“I … home.” (wish/you/be)

  • "I hear you're sleeping with my sister" "I wish … with Serena.” (wish/I/be sleeping)
  • "I just … what he was doing to these children.” (wish/I/know)
  • "Sandy, you lie all the time, man. It's embarrassing.” ”I wish ... . I wish I was.” (I/be lying)
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Exercise 2

Answer those questions:

  1. Do you wish you lived somewhere else? Where?
  1. Do you wish you had a cat or a dog?
  1. Do you wish you could cook better?
  1. What language do you wish you could speak?
  1. What job do you wish you had?
  1. Do you wish you were taller/shorter?
  1. Do you wish your best friend were more supportive?
  1. Do you wish you knew more about English grammar?
  1. Do you wish you had a superpower?
  1. What is something you wish you knew?
Extra info! As you know, you should use wish + Past Simple/Continuous when talking about dissatisfaction with the present. You can, however, also use it to express that you’d like a situation to be different in the future. e.g. I wish I didn’t have to wake up at 6 am next Saturday. I wish they weren’t leaving so early tomorrow.

Exercise 3

Fill in the gaps:

  1. I wish I … go to work tomorrow. (not have to)
  1. They wish she … harder. (be working)
  1. My parents wish I … more. (study)
  1. I wish it … different. (be)
  1. You probably wish it … . (be not raining)
  1. Do you wish we … tomorrow? (be leaving)
  1. Who do you wish … next to you? (be sitting)
  1. All my employees wish I … them a rise. (give)
  1. I really wish I … the truth. (not know)
  1. Sometimes we wish we … more like her. (look)
answer key
  1. didn’t have to
  1. was working/were working
  1. studied
  1. was/were
  1. was raining
  1. weren’t leaving
  1. was/were sitting
  1. gave
  1. didn’t know
  1. looked


Fill in the gaps and then watch the clip to check your answers.

  • "I … you". (wish/I/understand) Right, I won't be long" "He … me. (wish/he/understand).

Theory part 2

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Exercise 2

Fill in the gaps.

  • "Her life is horrible. She wants what I have. Can you believe it? She … me!” (wish/she/be)
  • "Your mum's worried about you" "She's a looser" "Hey! She does what she needs to do to take care of you" "She … me.” (wish/she/never have)
  • "Why don't you stay and have Christmas dinner with Ambrose and me?" "I …. I'm already three hours behind." (wish/I/can) "He ..." (wish/he/can)
  • "What's your husband do?" "He golfs" "For a living?" "He ... (wish). No, he's a broker”

Exercise 4

Fill in the gaps:

  1. I … what I think about you. (wish/you/know)
  1. You … me! (wish/you/be)
  1. He … the truth. (wish/he/not know)
  1. She … her out. (wish/Bob/ask)
  1. It … him for walks more often. (wish/its owners/take)
  1. We … real. (wish/Santa Clause/be)
  1. You … pay taxes. (wish/everybody/not have to)
  1. They … better grades. (wish/their kids/have)
  1. I … in the city. I like the countryside. (not wish/I/live)
  1. You probably …more pets, right? Three dogs are enough, I suppose. (not wish/you/have)
  1. He … more cake - after all, he’s on a diet. (not wish/there/be)
  1. She … her more often. They don’t really get on well. (not wish/her parents/visit)
  1. It … an extra job. I spend too little time at home. (not wish/I/take)
  1. We … drive. The public transport here is brilliant! (not wish/we/can)
  1. You guys … richer. You are already wealthy. (not wish/you/be)
  1. They … in the lake right now. It’s so cold! (not wish/they/be swimming)
Answer key
  1. wish you knew
  1. wish you were
  1. wishes he didn’t know
  1. wishes Bob asked
  1. wishes its owners took/were taking
  1. wish Santa Clause were/was
  1. wish everybody didn’t have to
  1. wish their kids had
  1. don’t wish I lived
  1. don’t wish you had
  1. doesn’t wish there was
  1. doesn’t wish her parents visited
  1. doesn’t wish I took
  1. don’t wish we could
  1. don’t wish you were
  1. don’t wish they were swimming

Exercise 5

Correct the mistakes:

  1. She wish her parents understood her.
  1. Do you sometimes wish you was taller?
  1. My friends wish I have had more time.
  1. I wish they was coming right now. I could use some help.
  1. The headmaster wish all students studied more.
  1. The citizens wishes there were more parks in the city.
  1. Everybody wish it wasn’t raining right now.
  1. The bride wishes we were wore nicer dresses.
  1. Sometimes I wish you be able to speak Spanish.
  1. Wyatt (my dog) wish he could eat more.

Theory part 3

You already know that when talking about dissatisfaction, you should use Past Simple or Continuous after the word "wish". What about the first part of the sentence? In all the examples that I’ve shown you in this lesson, it was Present Simple. Can we use any other tenses? Let’s find out.

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Example 1

  • Watch this clip and fill in the gap:

“All I thought about day and night were the things I … I was eating.”

  • This character is talking about dissatisfaction with the situation in: a) the present b) the past c) the future
check the answer

b) the past

  • Let’s try using this construction. Answer the questions:
  1. Yesterday at work/school what did you wish you were doing?
  1. Think about the last time you were eating something inedible. What did you wish you were eating instead?
  1. When you were a kid did you wish you had siblings / didn’t have siblings?
  1. Do you remember an exam you didn’t study for? Were you sitting by the desk, staring at the paper and wishing you knew the answers?
  1. Did you like the country you lived in as a kid? Did you wish you lived somewhere else?

Example 2

  • Watch this clip and fill in the gap:

“You … to wish you came to my birthday party!” Start watching at 2:06.

  • This character is talking about dissatisfaction with the situation in: a) the present b) the past c) the future
check the answer

c) the future

  • Let’s try using this construction. Finish the sentences:
  1. This film is so boring! After 10 minutes of watching it you’re going to wish you …
  1. You only eat junk food. In the future, you’re gonna wish you …
  1. Emma doesn’t want to learn Spanish but when she moves to Spain she’s going to wish she …
  1. I know it’s not raining now but it definitely will later. If you don’t take the umbrella with you, you’re gonna wish …
  1. I’m so sorry I can’t come tomorrow. I’m gonna be on the plane wishing I …
possible answers
  1. were watching something else
  1. were healthier
  1. could speak the language
  1. you had it when it starts to rain
  1. were/was with you instead