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In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use prepositions of time - at, in, on correctly.

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Conversation practice

Answer the questions. Pay attention to the prepositions used in the questions and make sure you use the same prepositions in your answers.

  1. What time do you wake up at the weekends?
  1. Do you study English on Mondays?
  1. Do you always drink coffee in the mornings?
  1. When you meet your friends are you always on time?
  1. Where did you go on holidays last year?
  1. What do you like to do in your free time in summer?
  1. Is your birthday in February?
  1. What do you usually do on your birthday?
  1. Do you visit your parents at Christmas?

Theory part 1

Read the theory carefully. Can you see the patterns? All phrases under the + sign are some exceptions to the rules.

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Too difficult?

If you feel completely overwhelmed by those rules, I encourage you to do those materials first, link. They tackle the basics of ‘Prepositions of time’ and are a great introduction to this topic. Go ahead, there are clips too 😃

Exercise 1

Let’s make it a bit more interesting and interactive, shall we? 😈 First, fill in the gaps in the quotes given below and then check your answers by watching those clips!

A. 'Well, I was thinking maybe I'd stay here for Thanksgiving and see you guys ... Christmas.’

C. 'Purple ... the morning, blue ... the afternoon, orange ... the evening. And green ... night.'

E. 'Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter into a pocket watch. That way one of you would be ... time.’

G. ‘Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle But put me ... summer and I’ll be a - happy snowman!’ (play the video at 1:08)

II didn’t know you were at a party ... Saturday night’

K. There’s no way I’m eating that. It’s gonna be like made of healthy stuff and this is Christmas. I don’t do healthy ... Christmas.

M. I'm not late, I'm here. Right ... time.

B. 'I'm taking Nick to the game ... Friday night.’


D. 'Strawberries ... winter, figs ... July. Just ask.'

F. 'You broke my heart ... my birthday, waited 3 years, asked me out so you can dump me again ... my birthday?!’

H. ‘It is 10:00, ... the morning ... October 24th, if you want to know’.

J ‘-Marge, those people chased us with pitchforks and torches. torches! ... 4 ... the afternoon! -It was 7 ... night.’

L. Can I tell you something even wierder? ... your birthday every year at my parents’ house they have a birthday cake for you.

N. She offered me a job. I would learn a lot but, get this, it would start ... a week.


Exercise 2

Correct mistakes in the sentences below.

  1. I never drink tea on the morning. I usually drink it on noon.
  1. You should visit me at summer! It’s so beautiful here!
  1. I’ve been waiting for you for an hour! Why can’t you ever be at time?
  1. My birthday is in the 20th of June. I always go for lunch with my friends in my birthday.
  1. Do you check your emails on the evenings or in night?
  1. What were you doing in Sunday morning last week?
  1. I was born on the 90s.
  1. Will you come home on Christmas?
  1. I’ll be ready on 10 minutes!
  1. I always sleep late in the weekends.

Theory part 2

Are you ready for more? Now that you know when to use prepositions, let’s find out when not to use them.

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Exercise 3

Don’t take my word for it! I’ll show you some clips in which those words are used. Each quote, however, has a mistake in it. Find them and check your answers by watching those clips.

A. In Last Christmas, I gave you my heart But at the very next day, you gave it away On this year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special


B. So, what are you gonna do … this summer?


C. What do you do on Sundays? Would you like to come visit me on this Sunday?

E. I called you in last Monday. Where were you in Monday?

D. I know you followed in last night.

F. I got back on this afternoon.

Exercise 4

Let’s practise all we’ve learnt so far! Use the correct prepositions in the following sentences.

  1. I’ll meet you ... Saturday afternoon.
  1. My mum was born ... the 60s.
  1. I liked Hawaiian pizza ... the past but now I don’t. Maybe I’ll like it again ... the future.
  1. Where were you ... lunchtime?
  1. ... last Christmas I gave you my heart.
  1. How do snowmen feel ... summer? They’re definitely not chill!
  1. Do you ever eat snacks ... night?
  1. People who wake up ... sunrise are crazy!
  1. Where do you see yourself ... 5 years?
  1. I might visit you ... next month.
  1. What do you mean I’m not punctual? I’m always ... time!
  1. Sorry, I won’t have much time ... this week.
  1. I’m going on holidays ... 2 months.
  1. The conference will take place ... the 25th of March.
  1. Is your birthday ... August?

Extra practice!

Let’s revise with some bonus clips! Put “in”, “on”, “at” or nothing in the gaps and watch the clips to check your answers.

A. I would love to. Okay, let's see. Breakfast ... 8:00, lunch ... noon, ... 2:00 we'll do a walk around the neighbourhood and a tortoise treat ... 3:00

B. “I'd rather be with somebody than by myself." "So what are you doing running around the streets … Christmas Eve on your own?”

C. Look, I'm not in the mood, okay? I didn't sleep well … last night.

D. "You're gonna Ieave ... 10:00 a.m. No matter what, take a taxicab, be there ... 10:00 a.m." "... two days I'II be there ... 10:00 a.m. no matter what.”

F. "I say we throw a surprise party … this weekend. Okay, but if we throw her a party … her birthday, then it's not a surprise.”