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In this lesson, we will learn about the structure of the passive voice, practice using it correctly, and explore its advantages.

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Listen to this song and read the words in bold. How are they similar to each other?

Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven seas Everybody's looking for something Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused

Exercise 1

Look at the image provided. You will see a dog named Wyatt and three bowls: one is full, the second is half-eaten, and the third is empty.

Using the picture as your guide, create sentences about Wyatt and his breakfast. Try to use different tenses in your sentences. Here are some examples to help you get started:

  • Wyatt will eat his breakfast.
  • Wyatt will have eaten his breakfast by 10 am.
  • Wyatt has been eating his breakfast all morning.
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Theory part 1

The sentences created in Exercise 1 were in Active Voice. In English, we have two grammatical voices: active and passive. In the active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, while in the passive voice, the subject receives the action.

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Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses using passive voice:

  1. English ________ (speak/Present Simple) in many countries around the world.
  1. Dinner ________ (cook/Future Simple) when I get home.
  1. The bridge ________ (repair/Present Perfect) already.
  1. The new museum ________ (open/Future Simple) next year.
  1. The test ________ (take/Past Simple) by the students yesterday.
  1. The package ________ (deliver/Future Simple) tomorrow.
  1. The graffiti on the walls ________ (clean/Present Simple) by the city workers every week.
  1. The flowers ________ (water/Past Simple) by my neighbour while I was on holiday.
  1. The building ________ (demolish/Past Perfect) by the time we arrived.
  1. The novel ________ (finish/Future Simple) next month.
answer key
  1. English is spoken in many countries around the world. (Present Simple)
  1. Dinner will be cooked when I get home. (Future Simple)
  1. The bridge has been repaired already. (Present Perfect)
  1. The new museum will be opened next year. (Future Simple)
  1. The test was taken by the students yesterday. (Past Simple)
  1. The package will be delivered tomorrow. (Future Simple)
  1. The graffiti on the walls is cleaned by the city workers every week. (Present Simple)
  1. The flowers were watered by my neighbour while I was on holiday. (Past Simple)
  1. The building had been demolished by the time we arrived. (Past Perfect)
  1. The novel will be finished next month. (Future Simple)

Theory part 2

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If you want to make your writing more interesting, use both active and passive voice. Remember not to use passive voice too much, as it can make your writing unclear. Use a mix of active and passive voice to make your writing clear and easy to understand.

Exercise 3

Change the following sentences from active voice to passive voice.

  1. The teacher explains the lesson to the students.
  1. The company is launching a new product.
  1. The restaurant served dinner to the guests.
  1. The mechanic was fixing the car when the customer arrived.
  1. The team will finish the project next month.
  1. The company is going to release a new version of the software next year.
  1. The boss has assigned the tasks already.
  1. The team had completed the project before the deadline.
  1. The employee should finish the report by tomorrow.
  1. The company can provide training to the new employees.
Answer key
  1. The lesson is explained to the students.
  1. A new product is being launched.
  1. Dinner was served to the guests.
  1. The car was being fixed when the customer arrived.
  1. The project will be finished next month.
  1. A new version of the software is going to be released next year.
  1. The tasks have already been assigned.
  1. The project had been completed before the deadline.
  1. The report should be finished by tomorrow.
  1. Training can be provided to the new employees.

Exercise 4

Fill in the gaps and watch clips to check your answers.

A ”All we have to decide is what to do with the time that ... (give/Present Simple) to us.”

B “It ... (call/Present Perfect) this way before but not by you.”

C “We ... ... (attack/Past Simple).

D "If you believe that you are ... (take/Present Continuous) advantage of by someone, then be sure to stick around until the end of our list.”

E “Their heads … (not/find/Past Simple) severed. They … (not find/Past Simple) at all.”

F "Ok, they were pretty and all but that cleaning crew sucked." "Where's our TV?" "I think we... (rob/Present Perfect)”

G "So recently I … (diagnose/Past simple) with ADHD. I got clinically diagnosed by a psychiatrist and they told me that I have ADHD.

H “Dogs like George are very powerful and … (not/give/Present Simple) second chances.

I "I … (tell/Past Simple) I was needed, and here I am.”

J "It's about the lamb, Colonel." "Where is it?" "It … free.” (set/Present Perfect)

J "Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is mystery but today is a gift. That is why it … (call/Present Simple) present”

K "It was an extremely foolish thing to do. Five points … (take/Future Simple) from Gryffindor.”

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Exercise 5

Answer those questions:

  1. Have you ever had something of yours stolen? What was it and how did it happen?
  1. When you were a child, were you ever praised for doing something well? What was the achievement?
  1. Can you think of a situation where you were given bad advice? What was the advice and how did it affect you?
  1. Have you ever been surprised by a friend or family member? Describe the situation.
  1. What is the most beautiful place you have visited? Why do you think it is considered beautiful?
  1. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why? How are people usually trained for that job?
  1. What is your favourite movie or book? How were the main characters influenced by the events in the story?
  1. Are there any popular traditional dishes in your country? How are they typically prepared?
  1. In your opinion, what is the most significant invention or discovery in human history? How has it changed the way we live?