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When is it correct to say ‘I didn’t need to cook’ vs. ‘I needn’t have cooked’? Let’s find out!

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Read the sentences below and match them with the correct timelines and rules.

  1. Fortunately, I didn’t need to cook a lot of food. I had learnt that most people won’t come.
  1. I needn't have cooked so much food. Most people didn’t come and now I don’t know what to do with it.

timeline A

timeline B

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a) unnecessary action which happened

b) unnecessary action which didn’t happen

Theory part 1

Read the additional sentences below. Can you think of a few that would be true about you?

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Exercise 1

Choose the correct option.

  1. I needn’t have cooked dinner. a) I cooked it b) I didn’t cook it
  1. I didn't need to get up early. a) I got up early. b) I didn't get up early.
  1. I didn't need to attend the meeting. a) I attended the meeting. b) I didn't attend the meeting.
  1. I needn’t have cleaned the house. a) I cleaned it b) I didn’t clean it
  1. I didn't need to dress formally. a) I dressed formally. b) I didn't dress formally.
  1. I needn’t have written a detailed report. a) I wrote it b) I didn’t write it
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Answer key

1a 2b 3b 4a 5b 6a


Exercise 2

Fill in the gaps with the correct phrase.

  1. With the GPS on her phone, she … (bring) a map so she left it at home.
  1. I found a perfect dress in my closet, so I … (buy) a new one. I’m glad I saved some money.
  1. She … (arrive) two hours early at the airport; her flight was delayed. Now she's unsure how to pass the time.
  1. I was planning to wake up early to finish the project, but my teammate had completed it the night before. That’s why, I … (get up) at crack of dawn and I decided to sleep in.
  1. He … (study) the entire night; the exam questions were easy. Exhausted, he's now struggling to stay awake.
  1. The students initially thought they needed to submit the assignment by Friday, but the professor extended the deadline. They … (rush) and could relax instead.
  1. I … (prepare) such a detailed presentation; the meeting was brief and to the point. I spent hours on slides I didn't even get to show.
  1. You … (take) notes throughout the lecture. The teacher has just announced that she will be sending out electronic notes to everyone so your hard work will go to waste.
Answer key

1 didn’t need to bring 2 didn’t need to buy 3 needn’t have arrived 4 didn’t need to get up 5 needn’t have studied 6 didn’t need to rush 7 needn’t have prepared 8 needn’t have taken

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Exercise 3

Answer the questions.

  1. Can you recall a time when you needn't have worried about something because it turned out much better than expected?
  1. Have you ever prepared extensively for an event or situation that you needn't have stressed over?
  1. Can you recall a time when you didn't need to attend a meeting or event but chose to go anyway?
  1. Can you think of a task or chore you didn't need to do, but you did it to help someone else?
  1. When was the last time you needn’t have made a reservation in a restaurant because there were empty tables when you arrived anyway?
  1. Tell me about a time when you didn't need to dress up for an occasion, but you decided to do so anyway.
  1. When was the last time you didn’t need to go to work? What did you do instead?